Performing in Charlotte is a blast. Basic Training has not played in the US as much as it has played in the rest of the world so I am always surprised by how much people like to get involved and really enjoy the show. Hopefully this will lead to the show coming to more cities in the US. NY and LA are important but they ain't America. It's such a huge country and every state and city has it's own flavor. Charlotte is no different. My stage manager extraordinaire Tony Lepore and I went to Flemings after the show last night (there's one in L.A. and I highly recommend it) and not only was the food amazing the atmosphere was great. The night before that Tom Gabbard, the big chief at the Blumenthal and one of the most respected and kind people I've ever met and his lovely wife Vicky took us all out to dinner at a place called Zink. I almost forgot my manners and started licking the plate. Rick Hayden (TIB 1994) and his wife Dana came up from Charleston SC to see the show for the first time and they joined us for dinner as well. So great to have some TIB family around.
Speaking of family it's really hard being away from my wife and baby boy. I hear a lot about guys who think that 'bringing home the bacon is for men and women do the rearing' but having a job isn't something to brag about. Being gainfully employed although a struggle in these times is no different than what moms have done for hundreds of years wipin our nasty butts. It takes a real man to change diapers and take over a few middle of the night bottle feeds so your wife can get some extra winks. Maybe my perspective is different because of my childhood but I want Zion to know that he is loved by both of us not just by HSBC Bank. Lydia is such a great mom and having her parents around is such a blessing but I intend to be there as much as humanly possible. It's a team thang!
Just a few more shows here in Charlotte and then its off to Australia and my wife and son are coming along! If you want the definition of bizarre try getting passport photos for your three week old child. The lady actually asked us if we could sit him on a stool and hold him up. As if my arm in the passport picture won't look suspicious. And then once we got the pics done the lady at the passport office was like well...I'll let you off with a warning this time. His cheeks are a little shiny.
I feel another show coming on.
And congratulations to Tops In Blue 2008, the newest members of the TIB family. They just finished their grueling 11 month tour and now have their rings. Welcome to the family, it starts now.