Sunday, February 15, 2009

WOW! Baby boy!

Unbelievable. On Feb 8 2009 our son Zion was born and it has been a whirlwind ever since. I'm on graveyard baby duty, just finished performing two shows today to finish up the run of Basic Training at the Vancouver East Cultural Center. It's all about trading hours so we can tag team the diaper duties. Why do people make a newborn baby in your life and lack of sleep sound like such a death sentence? It's really not that bad-if you want lack of sleep try touring with Tops In Blue, it gives a whole new meaning to the word 'tired'. I have had much less sleep many times before. It's all about the attitude.

I am so proud of Lydia I could burst. It was a water birth and she used no epidural or anything just some gas and air. She was in labour for about eight hours and gave birth at 11:32am. Thanks so much for your prayers because we definitely felt favored. Our room was lovely and the nurses who attended to us as well as Cora and Joan from the South Community Birth Program were amazing. So professional but also very caring. Our doula Jean was spot on as well. We spent the night in the hospital and the food reminded me of eating leftovers at a military chow hall. Oh well...all part of the experience.

The performances in Vancouver were very challenging but it was well worth it and for a short run not bad at all. Great audiences, great theater, great staff. Didn't get a chance to do my usual handshaking after the show with the audience but I'm sure they understood. It's not every day you get to go home and cuddle your newborn son.

Next stop Charlotte, NC at the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center. The Vancouver dates sold out one month in advance which makes me wonder why people wait until the last minute to buy tickets. For tickets to the North Carolina shows go to

Again thank you for your well wishes and I hope to see you in the audience somewhere on the road!