Sunday, October 19, 2008

Review of the Review

The week the show officially opened was manic - in a good way. It seemed like everybody arrived in town at the same time. My wife and I really enjoyed having visitors and it made the time go by so fast. Spending time with my mom and grandmother was slightly painful but still good. So much of the show depicts a time frame that was very tough for my mother and I so I kind of felt bad that she had to see the show. Its one thing to see Basic Training and say that's a great show but when its your life you look at it with a different set of eyes. My mom has been so brave and supportive through the whole thing. She could've said 'change my name' or 'don't put that in the show' but she never did. One of the battles I fought in keeping the original concept of the show intact for the NY opening was that I didn't want to soften the blow. Life sucks sometimes and you don't always get a 'set-up' or warning about what's coming next. It makes me feel good to know that my family supports me in that.

Three days off immediately after the opening night was a blessing! I was so damn tired. Talk about being lazy. I have been sleeping no less than nine hours every night and it does wonders for my vocal chords. I also use a Kaz Personal Steam Inhaler and it is magical. Interesting to learn the trade secrets of how people on Broadway perform shows like 'Wicked' or 'The Producers' eight shows a week for years and years. Its a new level of health consciousness.

The reviews come out this week. Drumroll please. Since I first performed the show in May 2003 I have let my stage manager know that I don't want to know who is in the audience. Reviewer or not, everybody deserves 100% and that's what they'll get. It doesn't help to tell me 'hey the NY Times is coming to see your show' because unless they put their underwear on any different than I do - one leg at a time - all I can do is perform the best I can that night.

Regardless of how good or bad the reviews are I hope you come and decide for yourself. Tops In Blue. 100 percent baby.

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